Travelling Poppy

This is the story of Poppy who started his journey on old Linhartova 5 in the garden house of Matija Keše, which stood were there is a big parking lot next to Sloveniales today, on the crossing of Dunajska and Linhartove road. The garden house vas owned by my great granddad Matija and was later on passed to my granddad Matko.

Travelling Poppy from Peter Prevec on Vimeo.

When they bought the location to build there Sloveniales, parking lot or Plava laguna (what would I know), poppy went to dolenjska where my granddads sister Vida and her husband Stane had an old house. Their son Jernej and his wife Blanka brought poppy back to Ljubljana when they build a house in Bežigrad (near Bratovševa platform). I went to visit once, heard about the story of poppy and wanted a piece of history. I brought it home to Vižmarje and put it in a big pot. After it bloom for the first time it looked like it died so I put it in my mothers garden, where we found out that there is nothing wrong whit it. And from that day of every May it blooms and makes very big and very beautiful red flower.

Snemanje filma Mak popotnik (©2009 Milenko Prevec)

Snemanje filma Mak popotnik (©2009 Milenko Prevec)